Friday, January 27, 2017

Why Another Writing Blog

Before The Page
Does the Internet really need another blog site about writing? If finding a name for this blog is an indication, the answer is clearly "no."


Before the Page come to life to fill the need of a high school writing club that I sponsor. Here, I will collect ideas and practices that I have picked up over the years that I have been writing. As members of the club investigate writing, their findings will, likewise, have a home. Where I can enlist others who participate in the sometimes-challenging process of writing to contribute, those thoughts, too, will be shared.

As the life of the writing club goes on, the content here will grow. Within the club, the goal is to help young writers not only learn how to say what they have to say, but also deepen their insight into what it is they wish to say. Thus, the club is designed to hone their skills and techniques while, at the same time, nurture the ideas that drive them to write.

The blog, though, is not exclusively for the club members. The content will be useful to anyone developing their own expressive art.

Everyone is, therefore, invited to join the fun! Before the page receives the first stroke of a pen and long before it appears before the first reader, there are many, many, considerations every writer must address. Dig into Before the Page and see if it offers some thought and guidance along the way.

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